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Comparing Candidates

Compare up to four applicants, side-by-side, to more easily screen in the candidates who should continue with your hiring process.

Jim Zradicka avatar
Written by Jim Zradicka
Updated over 2 years ago

While overall fit scores can help you to screen out candidates who are not qualified for a position from the total applicant pool, the Candidate Comparison Feature helps you to screen in individuals from your short list of qualified candidates.

Candidates are compared by their cognitive ability scores, their dependability sub-score from the personality assessment, and the score of the most relevant motivation sub-scale for that specific job title.

To use the Candidate Comparison feature:

  • Check the boxes to the left of the names of two to four candidates who you would like to compare side-by-side.

  • Then, from the Actions menu at the top of the candidate listing, select "Compare" from the dropdown menu.

The report will list specific results of the selected candidates side-by-side. Each comparison includes:

  • Candidates' cognitive ability scores

  • The most relevant motivation sub-score for the position

  • The candidates' dependability sub-score obtained from the personality assessment.

You can expand the report to view other relevant motivation sub-scores and all other personality subscores.

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TAGS:  Comparing Candidates, Candidate Comparison, Compare, Results Comparison, Candidate Results, Viewing Results

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